Good day!
I’m trying to understand how IDetailCustomization actually works, but documentation of IDetailCustomization is extremely outdated. I’ve tried to understand it from the engine source code, but still can’t get an idea how to work with it.
I looked up with FSkeletalMeshComponentDetails and FSpriteComponentDetailsCustomization, but they both called in different way (the second one calls from MakeInstance but the first one from friend class, I guess?). The only thing that unites them is two functions: MakeInstance and CustomizeDetails.
Can someone give advice on how to work with IDetailCustomization or point a simple example of using this class in source code on engine?
Thanks in advance!
Excuse me for not cleaning up the code; nevertheless, I think you will find this (more complicated) example more useful since it is a collection of various tutorials/digging through engine code.
What it actually does is create a drop-down menu for values in an ARRAY. The values that are shown are found in GetCraftingRecipeKeys() so ignore (or replace) it.
For something simple you should just keep the CustomizeDetails()
Don’t forget to register your customization through StartupModule() using:
So for using IDetailCustomization I need to create a new module?
What about customizing a set of variables for Behavior Tree task? For example, I want to make enum and choosing one of his values will change list of available variables. It’s not an editor extension, I guess, so maybe I don’t need to create new module?