Ideas for the Octane

Ideas for the Octane

I heard somewhere that Rocket League is coming back to Fortnite (HYPE).
So I made a wish list of a few balancing acts I would like to share with you.

Feel free to extend the list, come with feedback or just read!

If you would like to try one of my Octane maps (Yep, I finally got Creator Code!)
I’ve linked the code to my random checkpoint race map here:


Coco & Owlie

1) Improved drifting

Drifting recently got an excellent update in Creative
but I think the new mechanics should be pushed even further.

The drift should be better than a snowboard,
and have the ability to drift at complete standstill.

2) Eject players upwards, not sideways

Currently when exiting an Octane
you get teleported to a random position
standing somewhere around your vehicle.

This is very dangerous if you parked on an edge at a hilltop
(the most natural place to park an Octane).

My main issue however is that a random teleport always
feels very uncomfortable, in almost any situation.

Instead I would launch the player into the air,
similarly to a Stormwing.

Right out of the roof if possible,
but and if that is blocked
then just towards the sky.

And if that is blocked as well,
the path of least resistance.

If you are moving,
take into consideration not to hit the player.

3) Vehicle engagement

One of my favorite parts about the Octane,
but also about vehicles in general,
are that they are protective against snipes.

Everyone loves being able to one-snipe,
but no one likes always being at constant risk of it.

The solution is to let there be risk the but not constantly,
by utilizing snipe-protective vehicles.

By allowing us to do as much as possible from within the vehicle.

Ultimately, listening to a single radio track from start to Royále.

4) Repair Torches, Splash Canon and Campfires

The heel (haha) of the Octane is its low health.

Repair torches are a must-find
and camp fries must be be abundant.

Splash Canon could heal vehicles as well.

Chrome should not be infinite in time
but infinite secondary jumps
until chrome wears off.

5) Give it a weapon!

To keep us engaged in the battle,
while cruising along in an Octane,
we need ways challenge other players,
in other ways than just running down foot soldiers.

Particularly challenging other Octanes.
Anti-vehicle guided slingshot missiles could do the job!

Or why not let players crash into others vehicles
in angles that explode them but not you (like planes in GTA).

Personally, I think the missiles idea is better,
because its delayed action and therefore more ping friendly.

Both solutions reduce teaming,
as opponent vehicles become increased risk factors.

6) Improve turning at slow speeds

The better tight-angle movement the vehicle has
the better adapted it is for Fortnite.

Currently driving the Octane in close quarters
at very slow speeds feels very awkward.

The solution is increase the maximal turning angle
the slower you drive, exponentially.

The same goes drifting - and don’t forget about the standstill donuts!

7) Getting out of tricky spots

When jammed into a tight spot, a vehicle jump should initiate
more force, a twist and even a micro-teleport if needed.

Include tons of Shockwave items in the loot pool!

8) Full inventory control

Be able to re-arrange your inventory,
select equipped item (for when you eject),
and drop items.

9) Break chests easily

Chests should break instantly on contact with an Octane.
Needing to exit your vehicle every time you find a chest kills the momentum.

Particularly in early-game when radio is essential.

10) Specialized auto-pickup settings

A problem right now,
is that if you have auto-pickup switched off
it is very hard to pickup items while driving,
especially if you are going very fast.

Therefore there should be a setting
that allows for auto-pickup in vehicles only.

Either that, or single-seat vehicles like the Octane
should always have auto-pickup enabled.

Single-seaters should also have full item-pickup range,
meaning it can pick up anything it touches.

(makes most sense for single-seaters)

It should only work after the loot
has completely landed on the ground/surface.
to avoid op snatch mechanics.

(On a similar but seperate note,
I was thinking why not have a “pre-hold use” option
instead of making us spam scroll wheel
or Square on controller?)

11) Fix “Accelerate with joystick” issues

Turning this setting off improves ground-to-air control a lot,
because don’t have to re-center your joystick every time
you loose contact with the ground
in order to start a backward flip (pitch backwards).

This setting is currently set to on by default
which is problematic in Creative because it gives
players with default settings a huge disadvantage.

Like in Rockets vs Octanes,
one of the best maps ever made.

Broke my heart seeing all those kids up in the air
not knowing why their car isn’t turning downwards.

Moreover, the off-setting is unreliable,
as it can randomly turn on at times even when its set to off.

And when off actually works it only does half the job right.
Disabling it should enable pre-flipping in both directions,
not only backflips!

(I know its magnetic, but delay would be better than disable)

Keyboard has the exact same issue.

12) “Switch free cam toggle with boost” setting

A setting that switches Circle with R1 while in an Octane.

This setting grants better access to boost,
resulting in much better aerial control.

A secondary result is that you don’t need follow cam at all
because the only other thing you are doing with your thumb
other than looking around is jumping, which is occasional.

And on top of that, you dont need to buy an Edge
to avoid carpel tunnel.

It would be a simple and effective fix,
and be much more fair.

13) Extended fuel tank with gas cans in inventory

More time driving, less time standing at dangerous gas stations!

(or jumping on your car throwing gas everywhere like a mad man)

Thank you for your feedback. While cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.

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