[Idea] Edge Of Forever - A Survival-Psychological-Horror Based In Antarctica

OK, firstly, this is an idea dump, and also to establish prior art in case anyone comes up with the idea.
Copyright & Idea by Sunil Raman, dated 6/Jan/2016 …This is not Creative Commons or Open Source.

Please feel free to discuss, laugh, critique, explore, enjoy, etc. Please note that your contributions
and/or opinions may be incorporated into the story owned by Sunil Raman and by posting on this thread
you waive any and all rights to royalties, benefits, goodwill, or any other proceeds from the work.

“Edge Of Forever” as in this thread is a Working Title and is not related to or associated with any
other works with said name. Final title will be decided upon later.*


Phase I

Phase II

Phase III


Some people say that the world is flat and the globe Earth is a deception crafted by secret societies such as the Jesuits and upper-level Freemasons.

No one knows why the Admiral Byrd expeditions in the 1950s were abruptly stopped.

In 1975 an expedition was launched to discover the edge of the flat earth - a ring of ice called Antarctica.

Contrary to mainstream belief, the North Pole is at the centre of the flat, disc-like Earth we live on.

The “South Pole” doesn’t exist, it is a deception of the globe Earth. Instead, Antarctica is a ring of frozen wasteland with untold treasures and hidden secrets surrounding our disc Earth.

The UN Logo can help you visualise what the Earth actually looks like. Notice Antarctica is the “wreath” that bounds the world.

Towards the end of World War 2 the Nazis mounted many expeditions to Antarctica in search of passages to the Underworld or stargates to other dimensions. Today “New Schwabenland” is still on the (fake) map of Antarctica.

In 1975 a bold mission was launched from Auckland, New Zealand. Icebreakers and cargo planes were deployed to the start of the Antarctic continent. The mission comprised of the world’s top scientists, special operations veterans and representatives of each of the world’s major religions.

They knew that the flat Earth is a disc surrounded by frozen wasteland that extended for thousands or even tens of thousands of miles, making the Earth a rectangular “sandwich”, not a sphere.

Their goal was to literally venture to the very edge of the four corners of the Earth.

The point chosen was a direct flight in the line of Sydney->Auckland->Antarctica. From landfall they would continue to travel in a straight line, without any sort of GPS but only compasses (magnetic North is the middle of the flat-disc Earth - travelling directly to the magnetic South should lead one to the edge.).

By 1976 at a distance of 3,333 miles from the Southern Ocean-Antarctica landfall the mission discovered what they believed to be the edge of the world. A large, glass plane extending from the ground to hundreds of miles into the air, and possibly hundreds of miles below the ground.

“Glass” was at best a temporary classification as analysis showed it corresponded to no known element found on Earth or ever synthesised in a laboratory.

What was beyond the glass? Now that was an even bigger mystery. Only more snow and ice appeared behind it, although it had a more “wispy” or ethereal quality. All attempts at using drills or explosives could not penetrate the edge. No optical or electromagnetic scans “returned” from beyond the edge.

In 1978 the mission established a top-secret permanent outpost, aptly called Pandora Base. Only the top players in the space race at the time were involved - the USA, UK and Russia, with Australia and New Zealand tasked with making any Southern Ocean journeys merely a playspace for rich tourists and to intercept any and all transmissions in and out of that region of the Southern Hemisphere.

Pandora Base was situated 7.5 miles from the what they called “The Edge Of Forever”. Research continued as to the composition of the edge, how far it extended in all directions, and excavations below the ice continued.

Everything appeared normal (as far as normal goes, having found the literal ends-of-the-earth) until early in 1979.

Wintering over (while it was Summer in the North), with extremely minimal amounts of sunlight, and temperatures regularly peaking(!) at tens of degrees below zero (you know, that point where it doesn’t really matter if it’s Celcius or Farenheit)… that’s when the “Temps” started showing up.

At first they could be seen in different parts of Pandora Base in white jumpsuits similar to the base personel, except that their clothing was extremely thin, almost like cotton.

They were mistaken for base personnel as they appeared to be walking in the halls, standing in front of chalkboards or simply “hanging out” in the coffee room. Base staff started calling them “Temps”, referring to temporary workers sent by staffing agencies to help companies with various jobs.

Initial descriptions were of tall, blonde, men and women, usually very good looking but in a somewhat “angelic” and non-erotic way.

Later analysis of reports showed that they most closely matched the “Nordics” being described by UFO experiencers at the time.

To be continued…

Yeah cool, write a book!

Cheers :slight_smile: …Is this how I would flesh out the idea? From a book or series of short stories, then the comics, game, webisodes, movie, sequels, etc. can be made?

Edit: I was thinking I might jump into the GDD (Game Design Document) straight away. Maybe that’s the new way of “pitching” ideas. Before you’d have to write a book, or pitch the script, maybe nowadays if someone wrote a comprehensive GDD that could be “pitched” to a studio or publisher (if it was compelling enough).

Like already I’m thinking of the historical footnote stuff that would be collectible “notes”, Pandora Base being the game levels (then there is the exteriors), prologues and flashbacks, and the character discussion the kind of branched storyline (I wouldn’t go too crazy with that, just would be nice to have 3 different outcomes per “Book” of the trilogy then somehow it affects the final “Book”… hopefully it won’t be the disaster that was the Mass Effect 3 ending (as first released).

Any veteran game writers on these forums? Care to share a little with a young man with big dreams?


Swami Vishpati stared for a while at the frozen lentils rotating in the microwave and chuckled. He knew most of the world still believed that we lived on a spinning globe, with a spinning moon somehow perfectly aligned to always face the same way towards the Earth.

His real name was Dr. Rajeev Gopanathan, an Indian national who immigrated to the USA in his late teens. While neither a devout nor practising Hindu, he knew enough to impress the top brass and represent the religion at Pandora Base. Having a PhD in Astrophysics from Princeton certainly helped, as well as spending five years travelling in India and studying under various gurus to pass himself of as “Swami Vishpati”.

His thoughts were interrupted by Michael Nuland, a brash Methodist (or so he said) Christian who always arrived at the mess hall with the same line - “A Christian, Hindu and Jew all walk into the mess hall…”. Of course, there was never a punchline. In fact, Rajeev thought they might be the butt of a cosmic joke should the Edge remain an unending mystery.

This time though Mike seem distempered, almost fearful. “It’s the Temps… I saw one today”, he said, almost matter-of-factly. Rubbing his wedding band, he proceeded to describe the beautiful Scandinavian-looking woman making toast at the early hours of the morning. This time she smiled at him, or so he claimed.

Rajeev interrupted him before the predictable “angels and demons” diatribe. “Look, we’ve been through this a thousand times. We’re in the middle of nowhere, cooped up in here, eating artificial crud, far away from our families or anything resembling civilisation, facing the greatest truth that humankind has ever discovered, and to top it all of, we can’t say a word of it to anyone, even though we’d be instant rockstars!”.

“Oh and if we step outside without the proper gear we’d instantly become a kind of dessert - chocolate-flavoured, in my case”.

Mike grumbled a little then proceeded to pour out powdered milk over some kind of cereal, almost proving Rajeev’s point.

“And don’t even think about fireworks this 4th of July”.

To be continued…

I like it … very cool idea … looking forward to seeing where this goes. 8-}

Cheers :slight_smile: …In a moment of inspiration (or madness) (or both) this evening I sketched out the rough plotline for Book I “Edge of Forever: Genesis” with the required [redacted for surprise factor]. Now the fun begins. Just thinking of the best way, Lord willing, to get the story presentable without taking too much time.

Actually to be honest I had the inspiration a few nights ago, from the Flat Earth concept, as it is the latest conspiracy theory that is probably going to get huge in the next 5 years. It’s the mother of all conspiracy theories. I’ve been watching the YouTubes for a few months and at first I was like, what??? But now, well, let’s just focus on if and how and when I can get the full story out.

Also yes, I admit, I wanted to establish ownership of this storyline (which I believe is original) before someone else beats me to the punch. Yes, it’s not 100% defensible in court and I don’t want to be some sort of patent or copyright troll. I just want to make sure the prior art is established and it would suck if someone else stole my idea. That said, someone else may have already thought of it, that’s fine if so, kudos to him/her.

Thanks everyone for your support!

PS. South Africa is key in “Flat Earth” - check out the direct flights (or lack thereof) between all the southern continents and lack of GPS coverage in the southern oceans. That’s not in my idea per se, that’s already on the YouTubes. But I think fiction is a way to explore the Flat Earth while making it entertaining to both sides of the “debate”.

PPS. Cheers all and good night. Best forum ever!

You need to check out some stuff
Hah, everywhere the same.
You can not even grow potatos without monsanto these days…

Ha Ha No worries. I’ll change it to “Working Title”. Will think of actual title later.

Hi all, quick update, I want to progress a bit more on my previous idea which is close to starting pre-alpha testing. Please see [Visual Novel] Revelation A.D. - A SciFi Experience Of The End Of Man - Off-Topic - Epic Developer Community Forums accordingly. Below is another Edge Of Forever plotline for your perusal.


Kiziro approached Site 457 with caution. The culture shock of Pandora Base was bad enough, now he had to trudge all the way to the “meteor impact” with only a band of sled dogs as company. The silver lining was the winter-hazmat suit which offered reasonable warmth - at least the engineers had got that right. The Site was still about 5 miles away and the dogs were making good time. He leaned back slightly in the sled and reflected on his journeys around the world. Although a buddhist by birth, after living in Australia for several years he discovered the Western adulteration (yet possible enhancement) of the religion.

The “New Age”, liberally peppered with fundamental Christianity, was flimsy, yet contained many interesting truths. Such as the nature of “shooting stars” and “meteors”. He now believed, no, knew, that meteors were literally angels falling from heaven. The stars, wandering stars, host of heaven, whatever was previously described in Biblical culture… it was about the Descent. And Site 457 was a possible Descent location. ~What~ descended was the question - one he was supposed to investigate and report back - after physical and spiritual quarantine on Pandora Base.

“Look, there are two kinds of Descents. Those that reach the Earth and those that burn-up on entry.”, Ramirez had explained. “The angels that “kept not their first estate” decide to take physical form and directly enter the physical realm that humans inhabit. Those that make it are the supposed asteroids that reach the ground - those that don’t are removed somewhere between the heavens and the earth and are then “bound in chains” until the Judgement. The so-called meteor rocks are simply new compounds or particles formed when the angel impacts the soil, completes its transformation and then proceeds to whatever it intends to do.”

Kiziro felt a chill as he recalled Ramirez’s warning - “In any case, never forget. These aren’t the good guys.”

To be continued…


I thought “flat earth” would be a fringe “conspiracy theory” that’s very powerful but would take 5-10 years to become really huge. I guess I was wrong! Now we got B.o.B. vs Neil Tyson and an insane media frenzy… and it’s only January!