OK, firstly, this is an idea dump, and also to establish prior art in case anyone comes up with the idea.
Copyright & Idea by Sunil Raman, dated 6/Jan/2016 …This is not Creative Commons or Open Source.
Please feel free to discuss, laugh, critique, explore, enjoy, etc. Please note that your contributions
and/or opinions may be incorporated into the story owned by Sunil Raman and by posting on this thread
you waive any and all rights to royalties, benefits, goodwill, or any other proceeds from the work.
“Edge Of Forever” as in this thread is a Working Title and is not related to or associated with any
other works with said name. Final title will be decided upon later.*
Phase I
Phase II
Phase III
Some people say that the world is flat and the globe Earth is a deception crafted by secret societies such as the Jesuits and upper-level Freemasons.
No one knows why the Admiral Byrd expeditions in the 1950s were abruptly stopped.
In 1975 an expedition was launched to discover the edge of the flat earth - a ring of ice called Antarctica.
Contrary to mainstream belief, the North Pole is at the centre of the flat, disc-like Earth we live on.
The “South Pole” doesn’t exist, it is a deception of the globe Earth. Instead, Antarctica is a ring of frozen wasteland with untold treasures and hidden secrets surrounding our disc Earth.
The UN Logo can help you visualise what the Earth actually looks like. Notice Antarctica is the “wreath” that bounds the world.
Towards the end of World War 2 the Nazis mounted many expeditions to Antarctica in search of passages to the Underworld or stargates to other dimensions. Today “New Schwabenland” is still on the (fake) map of Antarctica.
In 1975 a bold mission was launched from Auckland, New Zealand. Icebreakers and cargo planes were deployed to the start of the Antarctic continent. The mission comprised of the world’s top scientists, special operations veterans and representatives of each of the world’s major religions.
They knew that the flat Earth is a disc surrounded by frozen wasteland that extended for thousands or even tens of thousands of miles, making the Earth a rectangular “sandwich”, not a sphere.
Their goal was to literally venture to the very edge of the four corners of the Earth.
The point chosen was a direct flight in the line of Sydney->Auckland->Antarctica. From landfall they would continue to travel in a straight line, without any sort of GPS but only compasses (magnetic North is the middle of the flat-disc Earth - travelling directly to the magnetic South should lead one to the edge.).
By 1976 at a distance of 3,333 miles from the Southern Ocean-Antarctica landfall the mission discovered what they believed to be the edge of the world. A large, glass plane extending from the ground to hundreds of miles into the air, and possibly hundreds of miles below the ground.
“Glass” was at best a temporary classification as analysis showed it corresponded to no known element found on Earth or ever synthesised in a laboratory.
What was beyond the glass? Now that was an even bigger mystery. Only more snow and ice appeared behind it, although it had a more “wispy” or ethereal quality. All attempts at using drills or explosives could not penetrate the edge. No optical or electromagnetic scans “returned” from beyond the edge.
In 1978 the mission established a top-secret permanent outpost, aptly called Pandora Base. Only the top players in the space race at the time were involved - the USA, UK and Russia, with Australia and New Zealand tasked with making any Southern Ocean journeys merely a playspace for rich tourists and to intercept any and all transmissions in and out of that region of the Southern Hemisphere.
Pandora Base was situated 7.5 miles from the what they called “The Edge Of Forever”. Research continued as to the composition of the edge, how far it extended in all directions, and excavations below the ice continued.
Everything appeared normal (as far as normal goes, having found the literal ends-of-the-earth) until early in 1979.
Wintering over (while it was Summer in the North), with extremely minimal amounts of sunlight, and temperatures regularly peaking(!) at tens of degrees below zero (you know, that point where it doesn’t really matter if it’s Celcius or Farenheit)… that’s when the “Temps” started showing up.
At first they could be seen in different parts of Pandora Base in white jumpsuits similar to the base personel, except that their clothing was extremely thin, almost like cotton.
They were mistaken for base personnel as they appeared to be walking in the halls, standing in front of chalkboards or simply “hanging out” in the coffee room. Base staff started calling them “Temps”, referring to temporary workers sent by staffing agencies to help companies with various jobs.
Initial descriptions were of tall, blonde, men and women, usually very good looking but in a somewhat “angelic” and non-erotic way.
Later analysis of reports showed that they most closely matched the “Nordics” being described by UFO experiencers at the time.
To be continued…