I'd like to know how you can find the location (X,Y,Z) of any point in the game

Hi, I’m new to Unreal to please bare with me.

I’d like to know how you can find the location of any given point in the engine.
For example, the location of one of the corners of a rectangle with the centre of the rectangle being at (0,0,0)…

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I am not totally sure what you are asking for, but if i understood right , you could just select the mesh you want and if you look in the right side of the screen there is a detail window. There you can find the exact location of you mesh in the world (x,y,z), along with other importand information about your mesh. If you want to use the coordinates of a mesh in blueprint you could use get location of actor method to do it.

Thanks for replying.
Yes I understand that. But I meant something different. For example you have a cube. On the details window it states the location of the object. However, I want to be able to know the locations of the individual corners. Not the middle of thee cube.

Also, can you please tell me how I can get the ruler tool? I read online that you would need to hold down the wheel button on your mouse to use the measuring tool. However, when I hold down the wheel button it only allows me to move forward/backwards and up/down…

You can use the GetDirectionVector to find the distance between 2 points. If you know the location of the center point of the mesh and the size of the mesh , then GetDirectionVector could be useful . Check this too. Starting from point A, get location X distance along given direction - Blueprint - Unreal Engine Forums
I do not know what you want to do with this , but if you want to move a mesh from one point to another you can use a function , and then transform node to the new coordinates that you could find with GetDirectionVector or even alone if you subtract the old from the new location .
So for example , if you want to find the exact coordinates of the corners of that cube : If center is 0,0,0 , and the size of the cube is 10,10,10 you could do some math and find each one of them . The right left corner would be 10,10,0 .You can do this by moving on x,y,z axis. Well this is not a very pretty way to do this but it is the only one i can think right now. Maybe you could do it in c++.
I do not see another way to find the coords of a point , unless you use that ruler tool you talked about.
You need to be on orthographic mode and not on landscape mode to use the ruler tool with pressing the middle mouse botton . Also being in wireframe mode and not lit is going to make things easier for you. You can change them fro the top left of the screen of your game.
I hope i helped you enough , and you could find a solution to your problem .Good luck!