

IconMaker - Quick batch creation of icons with support for alpha channel, static and skeletal mesh.

Video Preview: Youtube

Technical Details


  • All content is taken directly from your project. You don’t need to add objects to the scene. You only need to specify the path to your models, animations and textures for the background.
  • Supported Static meshes, Skeletal meshes and animation.
  • Individual offset ( Location and rotation: camera and object).
  • Automatic scaling of objects.
  • Post Processing support (the widget added only vignette, bloom, chromo).
  • Change background (color or texture).
  • Transparent icon in texture2d format.
  • Individual or Batch export of icons.
  • Change size texture.

The whole code runs with the help of drawings and widgets. You can easily add the necessary functions yourself.

Number of Blueprints:
Widget - 1 ; Blueprints - 2.
Input: (Keyboard and Mouse)
Network Replicated: (No)
Supported Development Platforms: (Windows)
Supported Target Build Platforms: (Any)

Important/Additional Notes:

  • Post processing does not supported in transparent images.
  • Icons are saved in the format of 2d texture.
  • Works only in the editor. Does not work in a run-time application.
  • The first time you run the project, you may encounter a "loop detected"error. You need to press the play button again in the Editor.
  • If there are a lot of animations, the apply animation to all objects button does not always work.


I know it shows that the supported UE versions are 4.22-4.24, but I was wondering if it’s possible to use this on 4.20. Does this rely on newer features not supported in 4.20?

Thank you!

Hi, Arylea!

You can create icons in projects 4.22-4.24.
Next step:

  1. Open Content/IconMaker/Widget/IconMenu.widget
  2. Press button CTRL+F (Find) and find Create Render Target 2D
  3. And change all Create Render Target 2D RTF RGBA16f to RTF RGBA8 SRGB
  4. Create Icons in to project 4.22-4.24
  5. Select Icons
  6. You Need Right Mouse Button to Icon -> Export icon texture -> TGA -> icons to your project 4.20.
  7. In project 4.20 you need select Import.
  8. Working. For Trancparency Icons, dont forget settings, MIN Alpha 1 , Max Alpha 0 . If you have questions, write to me. I will record a video lesson.

Having trouble using the Custom Size.
Engine 4.26
Anytime I use any custom size it doesn’t save.

This error comes up.
I also have a slight compile error for the widget on the On clicked event.

But everything seems to be working great except for the custom size, a really great tool!
If you find time and can assist me, it’d be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time.


I apologize for the long answer. I’m on vacation until July 24, I’ll be available soon and I’ll be able to check it out.

Hi! Thank you for your words, I will check after returning from vacation, it will be soon!

Hi there I was dropping by if you already checked out my previous questions on the marketplace if it is doable and can possibly be implemented :slight_smile: Cheers. Thanks again.

Hi, aoshi11!

As soon as I returned from vacation, I did not have time to do business, as on August 7, my second daughter was born. I will honestly say that there is not enough time for sleep now, and I still devote all my time to my family.

I will try in my free time to see how i can implement the functionality, but for now it will be a long time :frowning:

I am glad that you are interested in the new functionality and thank you for reminding me about it, it is very important to me.

Hi. No worries. I completely understand and congrats :slight_smile:

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NEWS 12.19.2021. Save Alpha + PostProcess.
Save the postprocess and alpha:

  1. You need to make changes in the project settings Enable Alpha Channel → Allow Though Tonemapper;

Play, and find menu → BackGroundSettings category → Visible → False;

3.In scene delete SkySphere actor.

In output file, you neeed change Min Alpha → 1, Max Alpha → 0

But it is worth bearing in mind that the post-process will be preserved only on the object, and what goes beyond your object will not be preserved.

Brilliant plugin! I’m having some issues though. First, the preview box isn’t accurate at all so I have to guess what the final image will look like (the weapons for instance are very, very small and don’t fill the box). Then when I try to hide the background for transparency, I get really weird clipping and odd reflections. I did all the steps above. In the screenshot, that’s a crossbow and it has strange textures on it and lighting when I switch off the background.

Good afternoon!
Thanks for the feedback. I understand you.
If you need to use transparency, then I recommend doing it at the end, when you have everything set up, all the necessary angles and views.

Since when we activate transparency, the render target texture removes all unnecessary colors and we display a bare viewport, which is not affected by transparency, for this reason the viewport is reflected.

If you click save image, it will be saved as needed, we can say this affects the aesthetic appearance of the preview more, but not the result itself.

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