iCloud saving?

Hi, there is any (blueprint) option to store save game in cloud after deleting game from device, and load back when reinstalling?

Tried the new 4.22+ cloud saving but when delete my game, still lost my savegames.

(Im looking for Android too)

Thank you.

Need to save load different mode?
When deleting app from device, now tell me “keep the cloud data”, but when reinstall app, not loading back again.

There is any docs about icloud save? At least is working? Tried with 4.23 and 4.24. too.
Created icloud app ID, added icloud container, all online plugin enabled, in project settings enabled game center and icloud too, but still not figured out.

Anyone? Still stuck with this problem.

See my post for a Tutorial on how to set up CloudKit for iOS.

Thank you, i will test it.