Iclone to Unreal

I am curious. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using iclone and its associated softwares to Unreal?
Softwares include:

  1. iclone
    1a) curve editor for iclone
  2. Character creator 3
    2a) headshot plugin for CC3
  3. 3dxhange


  • Faster animation tuning? (iclone)
  • faster animation tuning for movie making in unreal sequencer (unreal live link - currently free from if you have iclone pipeline and 3dxchange pipeline)
  • baking of custom animation blend to animation for export?
  • facial features retargeting (headshot plugin $$$ to Character creator 3)
  • facial shape morphing (Character creator 3)
  • body shape morphing (Character creator 3)
  • speech (iclone - morph targets?)
  • soft cloth baking-(iclone)


  • curve editor ($$$ plugin to iclone … seriously? isnt it the same thing as NLA editor in blender?)
  • 3dchange ( for retargeting to CC3 bone skele … seriously? And the fact that it cost more money for the use of software to import/export fbx )
  • the unreal live link animation cant be baked in Unreal ( unreal issues? making it useless for anything else except for sequencer?).
  • what about physic for iclone animation, can that be displayed in unreal live link?
  • physic (not exportable to unreal standards? Not usable for game animation)
  • Bad hairdo(CC3)

i could be wrong about the above. Those using the software please show some insight on this.

Hello ,

Seems like you are interested in our solutions and wanted to know more so let me be of help.
All software allows you try for 30 days without any charge, and you can decided whether to purchase or not afterwards!
So we would like to invite you to experience the full functions for 30 Days right away!

And you can also use our iClone tutorial and online manual to keyword-search and find specific topics for help.

As for the questions you asked, we will simply say that 's software offers a one-stop solution to Unreal Engine. It’s a streamlined workflow to transfer characters, cameras and lights, along with using our iClone animation pipeline directly in unreal engine. Finally, we will further respond to some questions you asked below. Feel free to ask anytime and we will be happy to assist.


  • Faster animation tuning? (iClone)
    => Besides the intuitive panel, we also offer multiple mocap solutions for our users, which is quite convenient and handy compared with other software.

  • faster animation tuning for movie making in Unreal sequencer (Unreal Live Link - currently free from if you have iClone pro and 3dxchange pipeline)

  • baking of custom animation blend to animation for export?


  • curve editor ($$$ plugin to iclone … seriously? isnt it the same thing as NLA editor in blender?)
    =>It seems alike, just to remind that each tools have different names and slight differences in function.

  • 3DXchange ( for retargeting to CC3 bone skele … seriously? And the fact that it cost more money for the use of software to import/export fbx )
    => 3Dxchange is not for re-targeting CC3. 3Dxchange is made to bridge other 3D assets into one consistent workflow. It can also export those assets into other software to complete your animated production pipeline.

  • the Unreal Live Link animation cant be baked in Unreal (Unreal issues? making it useless for anything else except for sequencer?).
    => You can try take recorder, or try exporting the animated FBX file from iClone.

  • what about physics for iClone animation, can that be displayed in Unreal Live Link?
    => Presently it can’t. If we are talking about softcloth and prop physics, it’s in our 2020 roadmap.

  • Physics (not exportable to Unreal standards? Not usable for game animation)
    => Presently it can’t. If we are talking about collision shape, it’s also in our 2020 roadmap.

  • Bad hairdo(CC3)
    => There will be more types of hair in the future. You can also check our swan hair.

Hope this explains, and thanks for asking!

That sounds pretty awesome. I will keep a look out for the further development of iclone and its associated software to see it suits my need for unreal game development.

Sorry for hijacking the thread, but since its related…

Is there any other way to use models from iClone content store / marketplace other then buying whole software pack?
I am searching for clothing for my characters and buying another software just to export bought fbx models is kind of overkill.

Hello @,

Great information about iClone and thank you so much for sharing this…
