I would like to use Cascade Particle Asset in C++ to create Trail Effects.
The way to create Trail Notify by “Add Notify State” in Anim Montage and specify Start Socket and End Socket is working fine.
However, the project I’m currently working on doesn’t include weapons in the animation.
So we created TrailStart Sockets and TrailEnd Sockets on the weapons skeleton
I wanted to deliver two sockets to create a trail effect during an attack, so I searched YouTube and Google and tried several things but failed.
I would like to know how to output the Trail effect using Cascade Particle System Asset in C++.
If you need to set up parameters in the Particle System Asset or modify the asset, I would also like to know how to set it.
If it’s annoying to explain, if you give me a video or a link to the post for reference, I’ll try to learn it.
Currently, the assets I use are Pragon ones.