I wonder what is the input for the iphone or ipad button to work


I wonder what is the input for the iphone or ipad button work?


I’m fairly certain that Apple doesn’t give you control over the Home button from within your app. That will always return the user to the Home screen and shift your app into the background.

The only thing you can do is set up a “UApplicationLifecycleComponent” in your actors and set up delegates for when your app enters the background or is terminated. One or both of those should happen when they hit the Home button, but you won’t have any direct control. You just get a chance to do any saving or clean-up you might need before your app is terminated.

There isn’t an input per se, but your app will get a message that it’s being unloaded or losing focus due to it being pressed. I doubt there’s anything in blueprints to deal with this though.

oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh:(

sorry to be the bearer of bad news! can’t you just make an on screen button with umg for whatever it is you need?

You can access this, it’s called the Application Lifecycle Component, and it lets you bind to messages like this.

Michael Noland