I Wnt to spawn coins randomly in a box collision.So i am using random point in bounding box to get the random point but the point i am getting are very near to the center.can you please help me with this matter.Thanks In Advance

This Is My Blueprint for randomly spawning the coins inside a box collision

but what i am getting is something like this every time

i Dont understand whats the matter.

Please help.

You should add the screenshots in your title as well xD

To spawn actor randomly (position, size, whatever you want) within a volume, just follow this tutorial - YouTube
It’s fun to watch as well haha :smiley:

Good luck.

Thank you so much…actually this is my first question so i didnot know to post the image in title…

OMG, it was a joke ! Actually your title is way to big. Make it simple like “How to get random point from a bounding box” then in the text field, describe the problem.
But yeah for this kind of question, a quick google search will answer your question.

BoxExtent will provide you with whatever variable you set it to. It does not account for scaling.

So my guess would be that you have scaled your bounding box through the actor or directly instead of changing the bounding box.

Not to worry. This can be fixed rather easily.

“GetScaledBoxExtent” will provide you with the correctly scaled area.

Thanks that works …thank for the help man…

Thank you it works too…its better this way.

Thank you Erasio for not being vague and cryptic like the others. Also thank you for not telling us to do a quick Google search we already did and it returned answers from people who weren’t actually answering they were just directing us back to google.

That was my problem exactly I grabbed the extents and asked for a random vector then manually changed the scaling in the editor.

Now I swapped the node out for the one you suggested and all is gravy

Wow fun tutorial!!!