I will venmo you $100 if you can answer this

It would seem very few people know what the folder structure looks like in a packaged for shipped iOS application.

SaveGameToSlot and LoadGameFromSlot use a location on disk when shipped that is different from packaged for dev.

In dev it looks like “…/…/…/MyGameName/Saved/SaveGames/files.sav”

In shipping a conversion takes place where “…/” becomes “” <-That is literally nothing, it clips the path. BUT putting files in the theoretically clipped location "/MyGameName/Saved/SaveGames/ " is not a valid path, files saved there cannot be found.

However, the game is storing files SOMEWHERE I can confirm save and load work while the game is running but I can’t figure out where because the node LoadGameFromSlot cannot find files placed in the following directories:





“SaveGameDirectory Node output/file.sav”

“PersistentDownloadPath Node output/file.sav”

First person that can get UE4 to print the directory the app is attempting to Save and Load from in a packaged for shipping title will get $100 venmo’d to them today.

I actually wonder if this is a bug.

If you use a UMG widget text to show GetProjectSaveDirectory in a shipped title the text widget will read “/MyGameName/Saved/”

In a normal title, LoadGameFromSlot looks in “MyGameName/Saved/SaveGames/” So one would assume If you append “SaveGames/” to the GetProjectSaveDirectory and store files in that directory the LoadGameFromSlot node would be able to find those files. Unfortunately it cannot.

Is that simply a bug?

On iOS there are only a couple directories that apps are allowed to write to, apps are sandboxed and can’t write anywhere. I think probably Unreal would be writing the saves to the documents directory (if you aren’t using iCloud anyways). You can get the path to this directory using URLsForDirectory:inDomains:, also try searching the engine codebase for URLsForDirectory or related file system calls and you might be able to find where they are saving it.

Did you ever find the answer to this?
I think I’m hitting this issue with my shipping app.

I can read/write to the PersistentDownloadDir in my app and with the iOS Files app in a Development build.
But in a shipping build there seems to be separate directories depending on if you try to access it from the app or from the iOS Files app. So if I place a file into PersistentDownloadDir from the app then I can’t see that file from the Files app and vise-versa.

This works fine in the 4.27 version of my app.
