Like if there are eliminated players that are spectating but once an objective is reached it respawns the spectating players.
I am not able to get in there and check right now, but there might be a way with the wave spawn settings. That would be right in the player spawner device.
I don’t think that would work because that is just in regards to the respawn time.
You could set a replicated variable on the individual player state that determines whether or not they are spectating. You then could get the player array from the game state and loop through it casting to the player state and checking this variable and then spawn them after your condition is met. Make sure to set it and replicate that status if they aren’t so it doesn’t respawn live players inadvertently again…
Or you could get all actors of class if they were a possessing a custom spectator pawn and implement some logic for them to Un possess the spectator pawn, destroy it and then spawn and possess the new player characters.
Sorry still new to all this, will this work in UEFN?
You have many many tutorials to go, but congrats on getting started.
I’d do this tutorial and see if it helps you gain some understanding but you’d need to write verse for a while to understand what he’s talking about there.