I want to use another collesion , not a capsulecomponent but sprite collision

I’m trying to develop 2Dfighting game , and completed to make movement system with using paper player character blueprint class.However,I think I need to use not cappsulecomponent collision but complex collision like sprite collision or something appropriate.But I don’t know how to set another collition on character. Please teach me about this problem.
I’m sorry my poor English.


Character Pawn has capsule component in its base class and I think it cannot be overridden.
Why do you need complex collisons? Why not just add more colliders on their hands and feet and body parts that must detect a specifc hit area (hit in head, hit in abdomen etc?) But you can turn off collisions on the capsule. I dont know if you can turn them on for other things though.
I read that the engine will use the component closest to the root for collision, if it has collision

Thank you for your answer. Just as you said, It’s impossible to override capsule component. I added blockall box collision and set capsule component nocolition, charcter fall through floor. I try to find another way.

remember you can have a skeletal mesh and animation without using character pawn. you can use a basic pawn instead. Charactt pawn is optimized for smooth network movement of third person shooter games.

it also has special handling for things like platform slopes and AI navigation. do you need any of those features?

If you use C++ you can copy most of the code and replace the capsule component and have your own base character class if you really need the character pawn features. maybe you need it because it handles things like jumping and such so well. I dont know if character has better animation support than base pawn, but if not, you can just use base pawn and add your own skeletalmesh component to your own collision shape.