I want to separate crosshair and background

I want to separate crosshair and background
like this video: 만세의케로로팡팡유튜브스타영상 - YouTube

but i dn’t know how to do this …plz help me

You can change the mouse cursor like this:

Then all you need to do is fire at what's under the cursor:

But i want to do this in TPS… top down between tps has something little diffrent…
Sorry for not writing “in tps”

That tutorial is TP…

Thx u for the gooood answer!!!

if start the ue4 project to topdown, that project included “TopDownController”.
but if start to third person, that project not included controller
Um…maybe I’m stupidly asking questions now…plz understand… :frowning:

You can start the project TP and still use the tutorial.

Top down is only third person, but the camera is further away.