First,Thank you all for this amazing game engine.
My UE4 project is totally free to use, no in game items or products for contributors, and am planning to raise funds to realize it, and list UE4 logo in partner’s list(only if you agreed), so the 5% Loyalty apply? if yes how is calculated.
if doesn’t, do you accept donations?
It sounds like the OP may use a crowd sourcing option to help realize the game.
My understanding is that something such as kickstarter would require a royalty payment.
First of all - we’re really glad you appreciate using Unreal Engine!
As for use of the logo, you need to fill out a separate trademark license.
You mention raising funds, but you don’t say how you will do it. How you do it makes a big difference in whether a royalty is owed. If it’s just a pure donation, no royalty is owed, but if the money is an advance on development or if it’s gets the person who donates access to the game or some kind of in-game benefit, then it is subject to a royalty.
You shouldn’t worry about a donation to Epic - you should invest in making your game as good as possible!
Thank you for quick reply,
If am getting this right, the loyalty will apply to any user who create a game using my platform.
My project is a an open world wish allows users to create a decentralized applications and games, is based on blockchain technology, and like any blockchain we have a coins(digital currency), this initial
tokens will be sold in the crowdfunding.
Well that raises other questions. What role will UE4 play in your platform? Would your users be creating games based on UE4 as distributed or contained within your platform?
High level - under the EULA, your Product can’t distribute Engine Tools, defined as follows:
“Engine Tools” means (a) editors and other tools included in the Engine Code; (b) any code and modules in either the Developer or Editor folders, including in object code format, whether statically or dynamically linked; and (c) other software that may be used to develop standalone products based on the Licensed Technology.
ofc, i wont all games and application created in Districts will be part of the open world, like any mmorpg game, there is no distribution of engine tools or something like that, the only standalone products is Districts.
ofc, i wont all games and application created in Districts will be part of the open world, like any mmorpg game, there is no distribution of engine tools or something like that, the only standalone products is Districts.
ofc, i wont all games and application created in Districts will be part of the open world, like any mmorpg game, there is no distribution of engine tools or something like that, the only standalone products is Districts.