I want to know UWorks work flow...

This question is related to the plugin “UWorks”. I’m sorry if I’m posting this question in different section.

Now I’m using UWorks, though I guess it may be very useful, but I’m facing many problems in using this plugin…

For example, there’s no BP Nodes “get client matching servers”, “server list” and so on that are used in UWorks User’s Manual or some video docs.

Because I don’t know even how to let server run basically in UE4, I’m not clear about what I have to ask…

I just want to run server which lets clients select room, join session and move to another level. Is there a simple work flow to make it using UWorks?

I’m not good at using English because I’m Japanese, so there may be some incorrect English, sorry.

You should contact developer of a plugin, every plugin creator in marketplace is require to provide support for it in forum thread, which you can find here: