I’m trying to utilize a blueprint node to get a list of meshes for a given folder, but it’s not working.
I tried to see how it looks in PrintString first from GetAssetRegistry via GetAssetsByPath, but nothing shows up.
I think I specified the wrong PackagePath in GetAssetsByPath, is it the full path here? Do I need to specify a path down from some hierarchy?
Also, is the folder separation different between Windows and Mac?
Can’t I just use a blueprint like the attached image?
I would like to extract from the list of meshes obtained above those that contain a certain string and randomly select one of them to set as a mesh, but I can’t come up with an idea of how to construct the blueprint.
I would appreciate it if you could give me some reference pages or hints on how you would create the blueprints.
I would like to check what values are set in the watch window, but I don’t know how to do that.
I would like an overview of the BleuPrint side of the process if possible,
It would be very helpful if you could also post an example of how to build the second side of the question, if you have one, so that we can examine the individual nodes.
For question 1, you need to use package path which is start with /Game/ and the following path after ‘Content’. For example the package path of below image is /Game/Megascans/3D_Assets
In fact my code then makes a random collection of meshes from a path, so putting the string in there would not be too much hassle, I will have a look when I get a moment. ( That will probably be Wednesday… )
The final form looks like the attached image.
We took a random mesh that matched a certain string, and then used a class check to improve consistency and set the one that satisfied both.
Yes, it worked.
I can’t show you the display as I am using it for work, but I did confirm that the character’s mesh is randomly switching every time I start it up.
Do you have any concerns with this blueprint?
It would be helpful if you could point them out to me.
I’ve only been using UnrealEngine for about 2 months so I’m sure there are many things I don’t understand.
If you just want to try it on the editor, why not make it in the “construction script” so that the subsequent processes will only work when the FLG is On? Is that what you are suggesting?
After receiving your response, I did some searching on the net.
I am aware that the “construction script” is only to be activated on the editor.