I have a cooking game. The player adds ingredients to the pot to make a recipe. When enough ingredients are in the pot, a check is made to see if what the player added matches a recipe. Some ingredients may be added more than once. I can check the recipe using the “identical” node but they have to be added in the exact same order the recipe has them. Is there a way to compare if two string arrays contain the same entries regardless of the order?
You’re not going to get it without a fiddle, I think. The most logical way would be to sort both and then use ‘identical’.
Indeed it needed a fiddle. I will post my solution soon with photos. I am still testing it. I searched for a way to sort arrays and found that there’s no such thing in the engine. I am using string arrays so I could only sort them alphabetically, but then again that would not suit me because I also keep the recipe’s title in 0.
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