How do you add this widget to the viewport? Create Widget
→ Add To Viewport
? Or, perhaps, you used a Widget Component
Create Widget → Widget Animation to toggle display/hide.
Add to vieport is not used.
Are you using onClicked
in the actor for this
Yes, OnClicked is implemented for actors that are clicked.
is this the part that prints when the widget is not there?
If you are referring to the debug log in blue, you are correct. In the video, the log printed when the widget is hidden is evidence that the actor’s OnClicked was activated.
Do you have any script in the widget? Especially in onMouseDown
Could you confirm this?
There are six events implemented in the widget.
➀Process to store child widgets in ButtonBox
②③④OnPressed processing of three buttons
⑤⑥Showing and hiding child widgets stored in ButtonBox
Could you do us a favour:
create a brand new simple widget with just a Canvas + one Button
leave all visibility settings at default
add it to the viewport instead of the Camera Change widget
Does this new widget allow you to click through?
We have verified this and will share the video.
In the beginning of the video, the actor does not respond when there is a widget.
In the middle of the video, only the widget of campus panel + button is shown, but I could not click through.
At the end of the video, with the widget removed, the actor responds without any problem.