I want the vehicles to spawn only if a driver is assigned

There’s 8 vehicles on the map for 8 players assigned automatically on each one.
But if there are less than 8 players I want the vehicles with no driver assigned to not spawn.
How I do that ?

Hey OnyxaneHC,

You should be able to start out with the vehicles Enabled During Phase None, and use the Spawn Vehicle when Enabled setting. From there you can enable the vehicle just before the driver is assigned.

If you need help doing this, how have you set up the driver assignment ?

Hey Hardcawcanary,

Thanks for your answer !
I tried to set the vehicles Enabled During Phase None but in this case the vehicle never spawns…

Here’s the vehicle settings if it can helps you to understand my problem :

Could perhaps make a sequence of event flowage to enable vehicle, then respawn it then assign driver.
I assume you also want to Despawn Vehicle if the Player leaves
Perhaps Player Reference Devices will help those

Are you doing a single round game or multiple rounds and want to allow Joining Players for the next round ?

Launched Session Play Mode could also be messing with this, because it doesn’t have a pregame phase.

What are you doing for the pregame phase ?

Do you have seperate spawnpads for before game start or using the same ones ?