OK, no worries, that looks right at that part, the rounds settings devices are set to thier round numbers ?
I’ve got this system working on 3 different projects, its a bit extensive and easy to error between my scattered explanation and your interpretation.
Running through the thread I haven’t given clear instructions on Activating the Player References from the Timed Objective Device
In each Player Reference Devices Functions,
Activate - Timed Objective Device - On Completed (Add each timed objective device from each area to each player reference device)
that might be the missing bit, otherwise we shall do a checklist and run through the settings again.
When the round starts it turns on the class selector needed and turns off the others, when the counter succeeds, it starts the timed objective activating the player references and changing the player to the currently enable class selectors class,
when the timed objective ends it uses end game device to end round.
Yes the rounds setting devices are set to their round number.
Should the setting of the player Reference Device look like this?

Are the players suposted to have a little break on the spawn island between round to activate the player reference device?
Yes that looks good
Except I should have said On Started not On Completed. (Oops Sorry)
So change all the On Completed of the Timed Objectives to On Started.
Using On Completed, the round would end before the class change has time to happen, and the whole reason we need the timer is to give the class change a second to happen before round ends.
And also change all the Timed Objective Settings for
- Completion Behaviour - Reset ( default setting is complete but we need to reset it so we can use it again before game ends).
The players will spawn straight into the next round area and will not return to spawn island,
the player reference device is handy as it will represent the registered player and be able to class change them no matter where the player is (spawn island, playing or spectating).
At the current setup anyone joining island will spawn on a spare pad on spawn island and get registered to a player reference device, but will have to wait for end of round to get a class change and then will enter the fight on next round.
If this is OK change Island Settings
- Join in Progress - Spawn on Next Round.
I am still stuck in area 1, what device settings should i go through or do you want pictures of the setting?
The last man standing setting may be the issue, to check can you put a temporary button in area 1 and add its On-Interacted Event to the area Timed Objective - Start function.
Also can you see your characters hologram in a player refernce device in game ?
Yeah, I guess with something like this setting pics are worth a thousand words, so if the switch works, post the player counter settings, if it doesn’t, we can start with class selector 2 and area 1 timed objective setting pics
You can’t see the hologram in game.
Here is the timed Objective for area 1
And here is class selector 2
They look correct.
But the player reference issue, can you please show me Player Reference 1 settings
and just a check on another possible,
Area 2 Spawn Pads
- Use as Island Start - Off
- Enabled During Phase - Always
- Player Class - Class Slot - 2
- Priority Group 1
Area 2 spawn pads are setup correct
Turn on Visible in Game for testing, you can turn it off later
Your Registering Player Spawner14
Can I be a pain and get you to rename all your spawnpads to something like
- Pregame SpawnPad 1, 2, 3 etc
- Area1 SpawnPad 1, 2, 3 etc
- Area2 SpawnPad 1, 2, 3 etc
This will make it easier to spot human error,
Then check Player References are Registering to matching SpawnPad number
Player Reference 1 - Register Player - Pregame SpawnPad 1 - On Player Spawned
And your End Round Device
Is it using the Activate function for Timed Objective Completion ?
Yes End Round Device activates when the Timed Objevtive is complete
I have done that what now?
OK I think its time I do up a concise list of steps and settings, scrolling up I see it’s quite scattered…will be back
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I just found out in another post spawn pads are currently bugged, not assigning each player to a spawnpad.
This method still works for gameplay, but joining players may mess with the Player Reference assignment and cause some issues.
Not too bad just gotta figure out a decent workaround, maybe just another set of Player References pointing to all gameplay spawns and keep the first lot just for lobby spawns.
I’ll sort it out and post back
then update my own map…
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Is that also way the area won’t change for me?
Sorry I haven’t posted sooner, had a big week with little computer time.
It would only effect what happens when a new player joins a game already running.
If a new player joins after game start and spawns on a spawnpad thats already been registered by a Player Reference Device to another player, then they won’t get a Player Reference and won’t change class for the next round.
But that also raises the issue of what to do when a player arrives after game start.
The Island Settings have a new default for Joining Players to Join on Next Round.
But if the player is spectating until next round, then they won’t get the class change to spawn at the right place next round.
So Joining Players need to spawn and they will spawn at the Island Start Spawns.
For game modes other than a limited spawn, last man standing, Class Changing and Teleporting Joining Players into the action is OK from lobby.
Last man standing may need players to start from round start, otherwise joining during a running round may be a bit unfair.
Spectating until next round keeps players interested while they wait, but since they can’t spectate because we need them to spawn to get a class change, may have to create a situation that makes waiting OK. Maybe the lobby has a view of the running game or something to do like a mini obby ???
Ensure Island Settings Revert to Class is set to End of Game, not End of Round (thats one reason for it not working, as it resets the class to default at the end of round just after the manual class change)
Regarding Joining Player management…
I think that if we register each rounds spawnpads to the player references, and manually assign class to island start spawnpads, it should work.
The logical flow of the class switching mechanic is…
Pre-game Phase
- nothing needs to happen, default class setting does job.
Round 1
Players already in game spawn at round 1 spawns
Each Player Reference Registers to a different Spawnpads on player spawned event.
The Class Selector for Round 2 Class is enabled by Round Setting - On Round Start
Lobby area, Round Start enables the Class Selector for round 2 class for joining players which could use a
Mutator Zone’s - On Player Entered event for the Class Selectors - Change Player to Class. In which you can disable weapons, so lobby spawners don’t die and spawn ingame.
Use the Zone of the Class Selector making it big enough to surround the Lobby Spawnpads.
Or there are other ways for lobby class change which may suit better…
Timed Objective Device Activates Player Reference Devices,
the Class Selector - Change Player to Class Function uses the Player Reference Devices on Activated event, changing players class.
Round Ends
Next Round
Players spawn at next rounds spawns
Each Player Reference Registers to a different Spawnpads on player spawned event, with the setting to Update Registered Player.
The Class Selector for the Next Round Class is enabled and the Previous Rounds Class Selector is Disabled by Round Setting - On Round Start
Lobby area, Class Selectors have changed to Next Rounds Class Selector as per above
Timed Objective Device Activates Player Reference Devices,
the Class Selector - Change Player to Class Function uses the Player Reference Devices on Activated event, changing players to the next class.
Round Ends
OK thats what should happen in a nutshell, next we can go deep into each set of settings until you get it working.
Hey agian
I have got my class selectors to work so round 1 is in area 1 and round 2 is in area 2 and so on.
I am still not sure how to spawn Joining players on the the spawn and how to change their class.
I think that is the last thing i need to make my game work completly.
Excellent, it feels good when it finally starts working !!
OK to deal with the joining players, probably a Mutator Zone covering lobby is easiest, you may be using one already to disable weapons.
In each Class Designer, use the Change Player to Class function with the Mutator Zones, On Player Entering Zone.
Since the Class Designers are disabled pregame and disabled Class Designers won’t be available to use, the Enabled Class will change Player to the class needed for spawning next round, when a joining player spawns into lobby and causes the On Player Entering Zone event.
How do i get spawning players to spawn on spawn island when my defualt class is class 1 which makes them spawn in area 1?