I want my world to change level between round, can i do that?

Settings for your Spawn Island Pads

  • Player Team - Any
  • Use as Island Start - On
  • Enabled During Phase - Always
  • Player Class - Any
  • Priority Group - 3

If the Spawn Pads are inside a solid Barrier, that will also cause spawn in air

Now i spawn on the spawn island when is start the game. It is like the class don’t change when i start the rounds in the game. How do i spawn in one of the areas when i start the game?

Hey sorry, I didn’t get a reply notification.

OK thats where the random comes in.

In a non-random there is a default class set, class 1, which spawns the player in area 1 on game round 1 start.

Before the end of round 1 ;

  • the round start event (from a rounds setting device) enables the next class selector (class 2) and disables all other class selectors,
  • when player counter gives a win condition event, it turns on the timed objective.
  • the start of the timed objective, gives an event on which to call activate on all player references
  • the activated player references makes the current enabled class selector (ignoring disabled ones) change all players to class slot 2
  • Timed Objective completion ends the round with end game device.
  • Now Class 2, Players will Spawn in Area 2 on the next round
    etc repeat

This uses a bunch of Sequential Rounds Settings Devices, they are designated as round 1, round 2 etc and this controls what class selector is active for the class change at the end of the round.

For Random, it is a bit more tricky as we need to set up a system, probably with some RNG Devices and Some Switches.
The RNG sets the switches on or off,
the class selectors are enabled/disabled by the switches.
the activate on the player references change the class to the random result.

Picking from all 4 areas each round is a little easier to achieve and allows for lots of rounds than picking a different random for a 4 round game or every 4 rounds.

I think non-random is fine. I have a default class 5 which is the spawn island. How do i get the player to class 1 when they press start?

Had class 5 mainly for the random,
with non-random, you can set the default class to be the same class that area 1 spawn pads are set to and discard class 5.

So I can’t have a pre-game island?

Yes you can have a pregame island, with the pregame spawns using use as island start, players spawn there. when they spawn on game start they will use the class 1 spawns

So the settings on the spawn pads on spawn island need to be:

Enabled During Phase: Create Only
Player Class: Any
Use as Islands Start: Yes


change to Enabled During Phase: Always
check that Priority Group is 3

The rest is correct


I seem to have a problem with my items spawner.
When i start the world only some of the items spawn. Could it help to disable the spawners in the inactive areas with this funktion?

Enable; Player counter of the area; on count fails

Would that work?

Yeah that sounds like a good idea.

How many Item Spawners have you got ?

If your using them for loadout, you can add loadout items to the class designers

I have about 80 for each area because i want the loadouts to be random

For the non random class what setting should i have on the Class Selectors and how many of them?

80 For each area, 400 of the same device might be hitting a limit and ignoring some.

OK Class 1 - Doesn’t need a selector as its default and players will spawn at round 1 spawns. We need to change to class 2, 3 & 4
So 3 class selectors will do the trick.
Settings that matter

  • Class to Switch to - Class Slots 2, 3 or 4
  • Time to Switch 0
  • Respawn Player on Switch - Off
  • Enabled During Phase - None

You need to modify the Enable and Disable Functions differently by the relevent Round Setting Device… so first…

Add a Round Setting Device for each area and set Round Numbers to Round 1, Round 2 etc, watch out thier existing settings aren’t overriding any you’ve set in Island Settings.

Round 1 - Round Setting Device 1 - On Round Start - Enables Class Selector 2

Round 2 - Round Setting Device 2 - On Round Start - Disables Class Selector 2 and Enables Class Selector 3

Round 3 - Round Setting Device 3 - On Round Start - Disables Class Selector 3 and Enables Class Selector 4

This enables the right class selector for the end of round event that causes the player reference activation to switch class.

I have 4 round settings devices what happens at round 5 and how to players get back to area 1 again?

For the non random do i still need player reference devices?

Yes, the player reference devices when activated use the class selectors to change its referenced players class.

Its a good way to get all players referenced for the change.

You could use a large mutator zone or the class selectors own zone option, but with limited spawns on, spectators may miss the class change.

How can i get the players back to class 1 when round 4 is over?

Oh sorry I just assumed game over after map cycle finishes,

The current system is dependant on individual round Round Settings Devices and you will need one for each round of your game.

You will also need a Class Selector for Class 1


Round 4 - Round Setting Device 4 - On Round Start - Disable Class Selector 4 and Enable Class Selector 1

Round 5 - Round Setting Device 5 - On Round Start - Disable Class Selector 1 and Enable Class Selector 2

Round 6 - Round Setting Device 6 - On Round Start - Disables Class Selector 2 and Enable Class Selector 3

Round 7 - Round Setting Device 7 - On Round Start - Disables Class Selector 3 and Enable Class Selector 4

Round 8 - Round Setting Device 8 - On Round Start - Disable Class Selector 4 and Enable Class Selector 1

repeat as necessary

Thanks. I have done every thing but it dosn’t seem to work. When i start i spawn in area one but when round 2 starts i still spawn in area 1. I cant get to area 2, what do you think the problem is?

I have these settings on class selector 2, but its like the Round setting device won’t work.