Hello, i am an Indie dev and i want to make a camera that move according to the cursor position, but it’s only working when the rotation of the camera and the BP (in the world) is at 0, if i rotate the BP or the camera, i get the same view as if the rotation was 0, here is the blueprint :
I’m not sure if I get what your desired effect is, but the node “Vector Backward” is always the same (-1, 0, 0) so it’s Backward of the world. If you want it to be relative to your BP or camera use “GetActorForwardVector” instead. it’s a vector that points forward from given actor.
Hi, even after changing this node, my camera is always looking at the same point, my goal with this blueprint is to move the camera with the sequencer, in a sequence where the camera need to move, so the player can slightly move the camera and look around
But the problem is that the camera is always watching in the same direction, so i can’t rotate it in the sequence, and the only solution is to rotate all the objects in the map instead of the camera, but it is not possible because of the performances
I found the problem !
The “Current” point of the “RInterp To” node was set to 0, 0, 0
I just had to link a “Get Actor Rotation” node and it was fixed !
Now i have a new strange problem, worse, but i think i will fix it
Hope it helps someone else