Hello, i am still new to unreal and i was using the First Person Template, when i use the FirstPersonExample Map, when i press play, i play as the character that is in the middle on the map, which is great,
But when i open a new level, and put the FirstPersonCharacter blueprint, it doesnt work, it doest start to play in the position of the actor, instead it plays exactly where i left the camera viewport with the controlers for the FirstPersonTemplate
that only makes that when i play i play with the controls of the FirstPerson blueprint, but my camera still spawn exactly where i last use it, it doesnt appear where the actor in the scene is
it is blocked, please try as i do, open a new level in one of those templates, then in the scene put the character blueprint and see what happens, so we can come out with a solution
There’s your issue. Current Camera Location is selected. Change it to Default Player Start. I tried what you say, mine has Default Player Start selected as default so it works as expected.
that partially solves the problem actually, but i still insist, why the template default map doesnt need that option, why the the character blueprint in the level and with the option spawn in current camera works!? and i spawn where the blueprint is…
If you notice carefully, the template has PlayerStart while your new level has no PlayerStart. Try adding one on your level.
Why? Because of how spawning is implemented. If the game finds a PlayerStart, it won’t spawn you at your camera location even you have Spawn at Camera Location. Personally, I find that this is not intended and your pawn should spawn at your camera location ifnyou have it set. Because Spawn at Camera Location is for debugging purposes and makes it easier for you to test random location of your map without much work. If you are testing your game at the correct starting position, then you should choose DefaultPlayerStart. Again, the only time you want to use Spawn at Camera Location is if you want to test other location of your map fast without going over from your start position.