I want mocap gun animations, Any tip?

I want mocap gun animations, like reloading, moving.Requires delicate finger movements of course.
Is there free(or almost free) solution for this?

Found this with Google Search https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvxvU_Tmggc

I saw it, but don’t know what it called.
Only know Leap Motion sensor is needed, and can’t use it with gun in your hand, useless.
Still thanks for help

I’ll dig deeper as this is something of interest to me. I purchased a leap motion for this purpose. I’m thinking free facial capture may be repurposed. Curious, why not use pre-captured mocap and animations from marketplace? These types of animations are very common.

I can’t find gun anim I want, such as ppsh-41, and even if I find them, the binding of the hands is still a problem, such as the ik bone used in the Lyra project like ik_ Hand_ Root, which does not exist in the purchased animation, has many similar issues. May be my terrible English didn’t help me find right anim assets…, I have no idea.