I want make show the selected widget's variables in User Interface of WidgetComponent


I am working on a task where I need to add the variables from the widget selected in the WidgetClass of a widget component to the User Interface category of the widget component’s details panel, so they can be viewed there.


void FDetailCustomization::CustomizeDetails(IDetailLayoutBuilder& DetailBuilder)
IDetailCategoryBuilder& UserInterfaceCategory = DetailBuilder.EditCategory(“UserInterface”);

TSharedRef<IPropertyHandle> WidgetClassProperty = DetailBuilder.GetProperty("WidgetClass", UWidgetComponent::StaticClass());

UObject* WidgetClassObject = nullptr;
if (WidgetClassProperty->GetValue(WidgetClassObject) == FPropertyAccess::Success)
    UClass* WidgetClass = Cast<UClass>(WidgetClassObject);

    if (WidgetClass && WidgetClass->IsChildOf(UMyWidgetClass::StaticClass()))
        for (TFieldIterator<FProperty> PropIt(WidgetClass); PropIt; ++PropIt)
            FProperty* Property = *PropIt;
            if (Property)
                TSharedRef<IPropertyHandle> PropertyHandle = DetailBuilder.GetProperty(Property->GetFName(), WidgetClass);
                if (PropertyHandle->IsValidHandle())


in this code, when i builded and checked in project, not thing happened,

the Log said PropertyHandle is not valid.

what is the problem?


@YJW04081 Make sure that DetailBuilder.GetProperty is correctly creating valid property handles for the properties you are trying to add to the details panel.