so i already programmed the multiplayer part of it, and they told me this document would help me UDK | Steam did anyone use it?
if you already programmer the multiplayer, what exactly do you need?
Have a hosted server to apper in a servers list, and support for steam lan matches. And be able to join it.
try this
i used the previous incarnation for my udk game, cant remember what it was called back then.
i think with sagittarius you need to run it on a server, its very small and is only for matchmaking so you dont need a dedicated game server.
the game itself runs p2p
But what is this supposed to do? make a server browsing functionality? did you use it with steam?
yes it works with steam and is a server browser.
when you host it registers the game with the sever running sagittarius, and is unregistered when you exit the game.
a ‘client’ will contact the server and retrieve a list of active games to join
at least that is what the old one did, i think this is the same but you has the source to run it on your own server
the old one was called genesis.
there was a thread on the old forum by rama and myself that showed how to use it, something like “steam sockets and genesis” in the title.
if you can find that the udk side of it should be very similar
I just use steam sockets in conjuction with the steam friends list.
I use the native steam sdk in UDK to pull a list of friends, then i check which friend is currently playing the game and hosting a game with steam sockets.
Then just connect to the steam socket id. No need for any other servers (although i do plan on adding dedicated server support soon).
It took me a long time to figure out how to do it as the documentation is very light.
Edit: However this won’t allow hosted games to be advertised to players who are not on the host’s friends list (unless they open a port). But for play between friends it works great.
Alrigth thanks guys , will try that tegleg and coldscooter will investigate steam sockets thanks.
edit: coldscooter i requested you a serial on steam for your game
Sure @Neongho, key sent!
Hey I did try your game I didn’t have to do much rather than shooting wolves and bears, and get killed very nice environment you really get in the flesh of a survival, I was missing toggling a map with key ‘M’ and place your self in the map, I will play more in the future ,really playable.
also the server there was only 1 server, and also 1 friend did already play subsistence.
@Neongho Once you build a “Base Command Unit” you will have a beacon to find your base from anywhere on the map.