I turned on "run construction scripts in sequencer" but now I can't insert animations for a skeletal mesh. Is there a workaround that?

I turned it on in my blueprint and in the sequencer window. It works great with the blueprint variables put now I can’t insert animations for my blueprint’s skeleton meshes.

Same issue here. I noticed that whenever ConstructionScript executes (even if just hitting compile in BP editor) skeletal mesh component in an actor will reset to their reference pose, and will snap back to animation if you update sequencer playback position.

hey guys! any progress on this?

The preferred way to do this is with an event repeater track. Try reworking your blueprint so that you have a function that the event repeater track can call instead of the construction script.

it would be great to make niagara emission possible from the vertex channel of mesh/skeletal mesh attribute how they did that in Embergen for example

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