So I’m trying to blueprint a way to call the uncrouch and jump functions with one input- basically I want to let my character stand and jump when jump is pressed and they aren’t already standing. The image below is a simplified version of my blueprint, which seems like it should work for doing that but instead, if jump is pressed while the character is crouched the character stands up but doesn’t proceed to the jump. Is there some aspect of the uncrouch function I’m missing?
Try setting it up with only using 1 uncrouch node. Or set your crouch set up as a custom event and place that before the jump. I’m guessing having those 2 nodes is causing the problem for you.
Thanks for the suggestion; it didn’t seem to make much difference when I tried it out though.
I did wind up solving the problem but while I know how I did it, I have no idea as to why it worked. I put an extra jump call in after the uncrouch call; the first one is invalidated but the second goes through just fine, and since the actor never leaves the ground as a result of the first one it doesn’t count against max jumps. Still no idea why this works the way it does though…