I think Epic Games needs to add more people to its marketplace support team!

I uploaded my first product(Easy waterfall) to be reviews by the marketplace support team on 24th.
I recieved a message to apply changes on 27th.
I immediatly applied the changes and upload the product on the same day.
I recieved another email and was ask to do very small changes to the project on December 3th.
I applied the changes and reupload the product again on the same day.
Now,We are entering december 6th and I have not heard back anything from market support team.

I think this process is taking so long! It take utmost 3 days in other platforms.
I think this is happening due to lack of people in the support team.
I think epic should hire more people for this job or at-least start using AI for such tasks if it’s heavy for people to do it .
It’s so disappointing for an artist to wait for two weeks for such a task that can be done in mins and then,get an email that ask for some small changes such as moving a folder to another folder in the project and waitng for a few more days after that!
Here is a picture of the changes I was asked to apply.
I know it’s my duty to apply these changes but guys,I think you spent 5-10 mins on writing the texts in the picture to inform me while you could easily apply these changes in 1-2 mins!
Anyway I’m not asking you to apply changes,I’m asking for speeding up this process! It’s super slow!
Kind Regards


It’s a lot more than just throwing bodies at the problem. They are not trained, have zero accountability, are lazy, and probably underpaid and overworked. Any company that makes money off of only one thing will skimp on things that aren’t profitable, and the marketplace simply is not profitable. This is why it gets stuck with interns and bottom feeder workers that just aren’t enthusiastic to be doing their cubicle slave jobs.

You will never get good service from miserable people, or third world people who are under trained and given mundane soulless data entry and helpdesk level work. Simply adding more positions may speed up wait times, but the same lazy and unhelpful critiques and instructions the people give will remain the same. Marketplace sellers will still have to endure these unhelpful lazy dialogues.

Adding AI into the mix won’t help either! Don’t expect proper context, compassion, or understanding from an AI. Not that you’ll get that from the current marketplace helpdesk cubicle jockeys, but at least there is a chance with one of them having a good day and actually deciding to be helpful.