I have a menu game info, a game mode of the menu and it has no pawn assigned how ever, I want to catch input like when the mouse is clicked and such? Am I supposed to do that on PlayerController? PlayerInput? Where?
You should use your extended PlayerInput class to capture input.
It is created with your player controller, which is always available to local players, regardless of whether a pawn is spawned or not.
You can also call exec functions directly in your PlayerController (or PlayerInput) by assigning the command in your DefaultInput.ini.
Probably the easiest way for you to capture mouse input is to override these functions in your PlayerController class:
exec function StartFire( optional byte FireModeNum )
exec function StopFire( optional byte FireModeNum )
I think by default, those are the functions specified in your Input.ini file. (LeftMouseButton is bound to GBA_Fire, which is bound to StartFire/StopFire. RightMouseButton is bound to GBA_AltFire, which is bound to StartAltFire/StopAltFire.)
There are other ways to get input (such as SteamInput from a controller, or ExternalInterface.call() from GFxMoviePlayer) but setting bindings in your Input.ini to call functions in your PlayerController is probably the simplest, most direct way.
I finally did make the use of player input now i can receive input without having a pawn and a player cntroller… It was weird, on menu i could not receive so we’ll pc input…