Hey everyone. Super embarrassing. I seems to have disabled sound in the editor and in-game. No matter what I do it doesn’t pop back on. No matter which project I open, all editor sounds are disabled, and all in-game sounds are disabled. Launching the stand-alone version of any project gives me the same result.
I made sure that sound was enabled in Edit → Editor Preferences → Miscellaneous, but nothing seems to help. I’ve also noticed that in the Windows Volume Mixer (Windows 7), nothing from UE4 shows up as an application to have its volume changed.
As of yesterday, I’m having the same problem. No sound. I tested all speakers from control panel, 100% works. But not with UE4, not since 4.4 update. I even reinstalled UE4 and went through editor settings to make sure everything was default, and created a new project. A bug perhaps, that only “shows up” sporadically?
I tried looking in all the logs for “missing sound file” or anything similar, but nothing.
I actually had this problem too, and I’ve been waiting to post until I could find out how to solve it. It turns out there are two separate problems to consider here.
If you’re using 7.1 surround sound, XAudio is failing to initialize and so you’ll have no sound. This should be fixed in the 4.4.1 build - update and you should be hearing glorious sound again!
If that’s not the case, you may have the same problem I had. Check your UE4\Engine\Config\Windows\ folder. If the folder is empty, that’s a problem! You should place the attached .ini file in that folder (you’ll have to unzip it first), and that should fix it if you rerun the engine.
If these don’t solve your problem, let me know! I’ll keep working on it until we figure this out.