I seek an shortcut for activate in UR5

Hi good night! If I don’t apply this shortcut I can’t continue with the tutorial, that’s why I asked what this shortcut means in order to activate it somehow. Thanks

This the video

What’s up with the audio? :thinking:

Anyways, you can actually resume the tutorial without using the alias. Because it’s just… an alias (nickname) :rofl: as the name suggests. There’s no “activation” you need to set up. Alias refers to whatever you choose it to from the State Alias section under the details window that pops up when you click on it. So you’re not creating anything new by using an alias. For example, if you tick that checkbox for a locomotion under that State Alias section, your alias will be kinda like an extension of that locomotion. If you connect the transitions the same way to that locomotion instead of your alias, the result will be exactly the same. You can imagine it as if you have the same locomotion / state (whatever you choose) is in the place of the alias.

Hope this clears things up for you :blush: