I see the Grass only in a Round Area from the Player

Sure. The Cull-Distance has no relation with the lods. Those are two separate things.

Some doc on lods: Creating and Using LODs | Unreal Engine Documentation
What lods do is they change the mesh based on distance. So when you’re further away from the mesh it changes from lod 0 to lod 1, then to lod 2, …
So if you would have a tree then in lod 0 it would have maybe 20k polys and 3 materials, in lod 1 only 5k polys, in lod 2 only 1k and would be an imposter as lod 3 (so only 4 polys and one material).

End Cull-Distance means that when the mesh is further away than this distance it will be culled regardless of the lod. As far as I understands it Start Cull Distance does nothing except that you can use the per instance fade node in your material to manually set up the transition.

I assume you’re using the grass directly in the landscape material (landscape grass output), then when you open up the landscape grass type you can change the Cull Distance settings. Those are the settings I used for 4)

But to get a smooth transition between start and end cull distance you would have to manually set it up in your material utilizing the per instance fade node.