Hi, I need some help please.
I’m learning Unreal Engine on Linux, and using Kdevelop IDE.
I’m using the generated CMake project file in my project, for code completion and syntax highlighting, because the generated in the .kdev4 folder doesn’t work well (yes I know about the includes and defines files there as well).
The problem is, when I delete other project files I do not need, Unreal Engine will generate them for me in my project, which will override my setup. It will generate files with extensions having .pri, .pro, e.t.c, and a new overwritting .kdev4 folder.
I’ve checked out this page, Build Configuration for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation but haven’t figured out how to use those options.
I think another option there called bIncludeEngineSource in the CMake section might help reduce project parse time in Kdevelop, but I really don’t know how to write the configuration file for my project.
Help is really needed here