i have a health blueprint and i need to add onto the player a way for them to die when the health reaches 0.
please post a viseo tutorial if possible.
i have a health blueprint and i need to add onto the player a way for them to die when the health reaches 0.
please post a viseo tutorial if possible.
you can take it that way, but i am asking if anyone has used a tutorial to help them and if that tutorial worked can they share it with me.
Just make a function called, Player Dye. Then in Event Tick check if Healt <= 0 if true call this function “Player Dye”. In this function you can add all features you need but the most important you need to “get character” Remove input so it cant more move, then you can call any feature you need in die like animation how character die. at the end you need make a delay of few sec just the time to play all animation and Destroy actor so it was removed from game.
You’re asking someone to google you a tutorial so that you don’t have to do it yourself, c’mon. This is an exceedingly common event in games and it is already covered many times.
Just make a function called, Player Dye. Then in Event Tick check if Healt <= 0 if true call this function “Player Dye”. In this function you can add all features you need but the most important you need to “get character” Remove input so it cant more move, then you can call any feature you need in die like animation how character die. at the end you need make a delay of few sec just the time to play all animation and Destroy actor so it was removed from game.