I need to respawn an AI, but when I do it doesn't start moving

I’ve set it up that when the AI catches the player, an event plays where the AI does a little montage, the player has a little knockout animation, and then respawns in a different part of the level. I want the AI to return to where it was (or at least be a safe distance away from the player). I think the best way to do it would be to respawn the AI, and destroy the old AI actor. The problem is, this new AI doesn’t move at all, it’s as though it’s behavior tree doesn’t run.

Try spawning a controller as well
and see Why doesn't BP Spawn Node set correct AI Controller subclass?

By default,the AI is only possessed when placed in the world:


You can adjust it to also include dynamic spawning, which will instantiate the appropriate controller, indeed.

I’d disagree. Why not set a new location for the actor, teleport it back where it belongs. Instantiating / destroying is expensive. And, as you might have observed, can be annoying. Consider it.