I need to move the actor into multiple position using the python.

I need to move the actor into multiple position using the python.

Hey @jeeva_s!

It’s hard to tell your problem given the current provided context. Can you go into further detail about the problem you are currently facing?

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Hey @Quetzalcodename
yes. I need to move the actor into multiple position with time delay (to visit the movement of actor) using the python code. I have the possible code to move the actor into single position. Can you check the code and make the code into move with multiple position with time delay.

import unreal as ue

actors = ue.EditorLevelLibrary.get_all_level_actors()

for actor in actors:
if actor.get_actor_label() == ‘Torch_F1’:
actor.set_actor_location(ue.Vector(0, 150, 0), False, False)
Please give the some solution for this.


Maybe Yothon plugin can be of any help? Take a look:
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