My problem is that I need to get my controllers player index ID, so I can tell it what to destroy, and re-spawn, but I cannot get this ID, if some one knows how please let me know.
you have an actor that is being controlled? Some more info could help. Anyway if you do, just GetController of the actor.
2nd player controller should have ID 1
But in reality there is no player IDs in UE4, those Get nodes are little misleading, it’s really a index of array of found PlayerControllers in memoery and there even no guarranty it will be ordered right. Because of that you should not assume that player ID indicates which side of split screen player is, just make it properly react to events without caring about that. In case of UMG,user widget are assigned to player controller so use that insted and same as Milkazar get controller out of pawn and there other ways then that.
I don’t know how you initiate split screen but “Create Player” will return you Player Controller, so get the first one which will exist alone to one variable (in GameMode?) and then create 2nd player and get his player controller 2nd variable and there you go.
So pretty much I need the player index for the controlled actor, because get controller or get player controller doesn’t work as it asks for the controller ID, and it will only be set to one player instead of all players using third person controller, so it automatically picks player 1 and when I kill another player, the other player does die, but respawns player 1 instead of the player who died, and causes the players to flip flop and stay dead.
Pretty much I just need a way to call the current players controller Id to connect to the respawning player blueprint I made. Thanks for the info though