I need to download version 4.22.3, but it isn't showing up in the launcher. Where do I get it?

I am joining a project that is using version 4.22.3. This version does not show up in the launcher as on option to install. Where do I go to get version 4.22.3?

click on ENGINE VERSIONS + and you should see it.

That is what I’ve been trying. The only versions that show up are 4.24.2, and 4.25 Preview (which only shows after I install 4.24.2). In the past, I could usually see several versions available to install. Now, just the one. Or two.

Yes, and you can use the little triangle beside the engine version number to see all the latest versions.

Update: I just finished reinstalling the launcher. For whatever reason, the little down-arrow immediately next to the engine version was not displaying before. It now is, and I was able to find the correct version, and install. So, thank you for the assist!!

I found 4.22.3 in library after I uninstalled 4.27, 4.26, 4.25.