I need to downgrade my project to an older version

So I really need to use a plugin for a project of mine but it is only available in ue4.25 but my current project is 4.26 is there a way for me to convert it to a 4.25 project.

You could try to rightclick the *.uproject file in your projects folder and change engine version in the context menu.
It should try to convert that (always do a copy! Do not convert in place!!)

If you didn’t used any node/code that was not existent in 4.25, it should work without a problem.

Alternate way:
Install 4.25, start the engine via the launcher and try to open the 4.26 project with it. The same convert window will appear.

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well the convert window did not appear with the second method but I will try the first method.

I am sorry but what exactly do you mean by the context menu i dont quite get it

Well, than there is nothing to convert… You can simply use 4.25 as engine/editor and when saving it will just work.

A context menu is the popup Action list that when you rightclick a file or folder in the (in my case Windows-) Explorer.
There is an option to switch engine versions.

after struggling a bit I finally enabled that option but unfortunately it breaks the project and nothing is migrated so unfortunately ill just have to do without the plugin thanks for the help though it will definitely be useful in the future

When i right click on the file, I dont get the Option “switch unreal version”.
How did you enable it?