I need to animate a three section building sliding into itself and then put it on a video Read more below:

My Sketchup free 2017 imports into Twinmotion as 3 objects just fine. One object remains stationary and the other 2 must slide into the stationary section one at a time in sequence. I have connected each sliding object (section) to tranlators and they move where I want them but I can't make them do that in sequence - one after the other with no stopping. I tried triggers but that doesn't help. And none of the movement gets shown on the video I am creating. Can you help?


Sans visuels ou fichiers pas simple de se projeter.

Essais d’importer tes 3 fichiers en « fusionnant » leurs contenus. Afin d’avoir 3 objets (donc pas de hiérarchie).

Transforme en objet de bibliothèque tes deux objets à « bouger ».

Utilise un chemin personnalisé pour définir leurs mouvements (Tu remplaces le cube blanc par ton objet).

En espérant avoir compris ta demande (^_-).





Without visuals or files, it's not easy to project yourself.

Try to import your 3 files by "merging" their contents. In order to have 3 objects (so no hierarchy).

Transform your two objects to "move" into a library object.

Use a custom path to define their movements (You replace the white cube with your object).

Hoping to have understood your request (^_-).




TM version 2022.2

Windows 10 Professionnel (version 21H2).

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz.

Carte mère : msi Mag Z490 Tomahawk.

128 Go de mémoire Ram.

Carte graphique Nvidia Geforce RTX 3070.

Hi ,

What you can do to achieve your desired effect is set both animations to trigger at the same time but set a delay on one of the animations. The delay is set by selecting More under the Animation setting. What this will do is cause one of the animations to play as soon as it is triggered, while the other animation will wait for the specified delay timer to complete before beginning. If you set the delay timer to the amount of time it takes for the first animation to complete, this should allow both animations to play back smoothly and with no visible interruptions.

For animation to play in a video, make sure the trigger type is correct for when you want the animation to begin. No trigger will cause the animation to play instantly at the start of a video, so if the video begins and the camera is not directed towards the animation, it might occur offscreen. If a trigger is set, make sure the camera enters the trigger radius.

I hope that helps.

