You will need to setup a different system for turning with an axis value since it is in a -1 to 1 range.
By the way I tried answering your last question which was almost exactly this one but by the time I finished typing my answer you had deleted the question…Which thumbstick you use doesn’t matter it can work with the same values coming from movement left and right as well from a single stick input value.
Anyway something like this should work if you have the input values setup correctly in your project settings:
This assumes you have the axis value setup with 1.
the problem i’m having is in the A & D input for the Turning Corners i’m developing a mobile Game and it is 100% Done except for this simple issue.
i would like to control the player turning corner with The Gamepad Right Thumbstick x-axis
i change the input but for some reason it wont turn right it only turn left
solve this issue for me and i will transfer money to your paypal account 50$
thank you so much you just save my life i owe you big time
your answer work 100% for me
if you want the 50$ just sent me you paypal account
No, but thanks for asking =)
Of course it was never about the money, we all need a little help sometimes and having a second set of eyes look at something is always better than banging our heads against a wall.
How can I do this for Mobile Touch Controls?