[I’m Chinese,my english is not good]
I’m making a weapon called “Gauss Cannon” / 我正在制作一个叫做“Gauss Cannon”的武器
I’ve done the basic steps.(e.g. copy PrimalGameData_BP or level) / 我已经做好基础步骤了(比如复制PrimalGameData_BP那几个文件到自己的MOD目录下)
and I copied a copy of “One Shoot Rifle” to my MOD directory. / 然后我把简易步枪的3个蓝图复制到了自己的MOD目录里
and I’ve changed some of the BP…(e.g. FireSound\MuzzleEffect) / 然后我更改了蓝图里的一些设定(比如开火声音、开火特效)

But when I run the game, it’s not that kind of weapon, the Fire Sound was still the original Fire Sound, and the Muzzle Effect was still the original Muzzle Effect, What should I do? / 但是当我播放后,武器的声音、枪火特效并没有改变,我应该怎么做?

This is some of my settings(maybe important) / 这是一些我认为重要的设定