I need some help with the basics

I am slowly getting the hang of your software, which I am finding almost intuitive having never used this type of software before. I’ve attached an image which I would like a bit of advise in fixing.

  1. There is a “Crack” in part of the model. How do I fix it?
  2. A number of parts of the model has holes in it. Some of the holes is similar to a shadow, which I understand as not capturing a photo of the area in question. What about the hole circled in my attachment? I have photos of the surface, however the software did not pick it up. How do I solve these kind of issues?
  3. When I texture and smooth the image, what actually happens? I don’t really see any difference.
    My apologies for the basic question, but I am new to this.

Thanks for your help


Hi Thomas Glover

In short, you need more images to get better results, 125 images are not enough for proper alignment/reconstruction.
And do not forget that “featureless” objects are hard to reconstruct in general.

Try to get good coverage with at least 250 images and “multi-view” capturing scenario. That means getting images from multiple angles and good overlap among the images…

Thanks for the reply!

I will work on getting more pictures in the future. I am enjoying your software and love the results I’m getting even with the few photos I have.