I need some help with my DayZ style Inventory.

So I’m working on a DayZ style Inventory system. I can pick up equipments and they are going to be equipped, if the player don’t have that equipment already. I want to do that, when I equip an equipment like a backpack, it gives me inventory slots, just like in DayZ. So I need some ideas to do this.
I have an idea, but let me know if it is a very bad idea, cause i’m using Event Tick in it.
So the idea would be, I make variables for each equipment that will have containers, like backpack, jacket etc., then I in the Widget’s event tick, I can check if it is valid. Once it is valid, I create the slots for that item. But I don’t think that this would be the best idea or… even a good idea.
So I accept any ideas here.

Inventories are complex beasts and probably beyond the scope of AH unless you have a very specific question in mind. You can try the forums for more open-ended advice. Meanwhile, why not hit YT:

Ohh, Yeah, thats what I looked for. Thanks! :smiley:

Each Item that can hold “Inventory” (BDU’s, backpack etc) will need an inventory component. A solid approach for this is to create an Actor Component class as the inventory component. It will need capacity settings etc. Add said component to each item that can hold inventory (bdu’s, backpacks, vests etc).

When the player equips these items they are added to a master inventory. e.g. Player Inventory (actor component).
I’d use an array with rep notify. Use the rep notify function to update the inventory widget. You can loop through the array and get the inventory component of each and its contents. When you make a change (move items, add/remove items etc) the rep notify will fire.