I understand what Physics constraints are and how they work as I have created some levers by using them to constrain 2 meshes or one to another with limited movement and simulation and that’s great. But the problem I am having is different as I am working In VR and grabbing things I was using the physics handle But now I want to switch to grabbing things with physics constraints instead, Problem is they are not working At all And I can’t understand why.
The actors I want to grab are all simulating and I tried to use the add physics constrain node and set constrained components in the actor itself and also the Physics constraint components I have attached to each hand inside my VR characters BP.
So I started to perform some tests in my Character BP So I added a simple static mesh cube inside mycharacter and simulated physics and set the constraint on my right hand to constrain it to both the motioncontroller and a scene component I had created and even though I could see in the BP when I simulated the cube was constrained , once in runtime vr it was not working.
So I constrained the cube to one of the collision meshes and that worked just fine then I tried to constrain it to my main characters skeletal mesh and listed a hand bone to constrain to But then did not work either.
So I thought it must be because you can only use constraints on geometry components So I created a small cube static mesh that was attached to my hand for the other cube to be constrained to and that worked.
So I fed the actors I want to pick up that mesh component to constrain to and still nothing happens. Im left confused as to why it wont work and what components you can actually constrain to as I thought the skel mesh would have worked.
Hope this rambling made some sense