Hey People! I’ve started using Unreal Engine and been following numerous tutorials on youtube that build a basic uninteresting game without explaining any of the mechanics behind the actual gameplay itself.
I’m pretty comfortable with designing landscapes now with trees and foliage and able to add props to my level.
However, now I feel completely lost with no place to turn.
I want to learn how to successfully make a playable character that can interact with the world i.e pick up items, harvest with tools, attack animals or players but also have them animated to attack me or run.
I’d really appreciate guidance on where to learn the above!
When I started to experience with the engine, I followed Ben Tristem’s courses. you’d have to invest some $hit, thought. Just wait for a good deal.
Ben Tristem & Sam Pattuzzi are both really skilled, they teach not only the “how to” but also “why”. They instill good habit to write clear, understandable, expandable logic.
Even if you plan to mainly use Blueprint I think it’s a good idea to dive into C++, it’s not so hard (can even be simplier than BP sometimes).
Diving into UE4 C++ will definetly make blueprint coding a lot clearer.
But I guess the Blueprint version of their courses are as good as the C++.
Also, i’d say just avoid multiplayer at first. I mean you should definetly experiment with it, but don’t expect to pull a multiplayer project for your first one.
Last thing coming to my mind: remember that as a solo developper, you have to wear half a dozen hats, minimum. Gameplay programmer, Level designer, Writer, 3D designer, UI/UX designer, community manager, Marketing… just to throw a few… and that’s already more than half a dozen.
My 2 cents, hope it helps you in your fantastic journey!