I need help with the map layout, how to choose the game

I need help from someone who is familiar with Roblox Studio and Unreal Engine, if I have a map created in 2D on the map layout image, how do I insert exactly the same copy into the game? Do I have to build it piece by piece or is it possible in some other way? I will be grateful for any help

roblox? That isnt Unreal afaik?

To create the landscape in unreal you would ideally need the map as a height map (greyscale by height, white is the max, black is the minimum height and greys in between)

How was the map generated?

So if you have height map you have the terrain unreal can generate it in seconds, you then need a decent auto landscape material to do the heavy work for you as far as textures. Search youtube for many wonderful tutorials.

But roblox this isnt the place sorry.

Its from Roblox to unreal, or from unreal to roblox?

If you want to recreate this land as landscape in unreal:

  • load this picture to photoshop, gimp, or affinity photo
  • make it greyscale and blurr stuff (on new layers etc)
  • make it low brightness, and paint in brighter colours where you think mountain peaks should be
  • load that blurred image into some terrain generation application like gaea
  • work on it add rivers etc (you probably need some tutorials for that stuff)

When you have heightmap (geae also creates water , vegetation etc maps/textures). Get that stuff into unreal make landscape, make materials that use additional layers etc.

apparently blender has plugin like "depth estimation plugin) well my derp ajj says it may help.
And there is Rbx2Source app/tool that creates 3d mesh out of roblox maps.
Having such mesh exported you can render heightmap out of it in any 3d app.

I never had roblox installed, so all that stuff is from googling and asking my yellow rubber duck.