I need help with the Dev Kit

Hey guys.

I created a costum Alpha Dire Wolf. And if I try to spawn him via the command cheat SpawnDino"Blueprint’/Game/Mods/Wolf/MegaWolf_Character_BP.MegaWolf_Character_BP’" 1 1 1 1 , the game crashes with an error. You can check the error here http://de.tinypic.com/view.php?pic=ang3y8&s=9#.Vi_N1iuHgQk . I hope someone can help me fixing this Problem.

Thank you :slight_smile:

You probably left out, or misconfigured, some critical references in your character or skeleton BPs.

Look for errors or the wrong type of reference. Failing that… start again using an existing dino character/skeleton BP… and test regularly as you do your changes.

Well I can spawn him in the Dev kit. I used the original DireWolf BP and just changed damages type,movement,…

If it’s spawning in PIE, and not spawning in the game… then I’d hazard a guess that something isn’t being cooked into the mod… and when referenced is causing a crash.

I see a few refs to primal character… maybe check to see if you’ve added your new dino is fully referenced into primalgamedata in either a spawner or as an additional dino?

Or go right back to basics… start new… do your first change and cook it and see if its in single player… then second change… then third change. If tend to do changes incrementally and test in a test mod before moving on to the next big change to avoid these kinds of issues.

Well I don’t know how I correctly add it to the Primal Game Data. A friend told me that I need to remap my new Wolf in the Mod Primal Game Data BP.